dc.contributorPereira, Rudiney Soares
dc.contributorWatzlawick, Luciano Farinha
dc.contributorMutti, Luiz Severo Mugica
dc.creatorBrandelero, Catize
dc.identifierBRANDELERO, Catize. Mobile tecnology applicability to precision silviculture activities: forestry mapping, inventory and geostatistics. 2007. 118 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geociências) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2007.
dc.description.abstractThe moblie technology applicability to precision silviculture activities on planted forests involves the mapping, inventory and geostatistics. The objective of this research is to demonstrate the móbile technology potentiality in activities of precision silviculture. The precision of forested áreas surveys with GPS equipment integrated with Pocket PC computer, through bluetooth conexion, as related to measurements conducted with conventional navigation GPS, absolute format, and measurements conducted with topographic GPS with after-processing correction is evaluated in this research. Facing the difficulties to collect, manipulate and transfer the data from the analog to the digital mean a system was developed for project records, portions and forest individuals in móbile technology (Pocket PC) for planted forests inventory. To evaluate the system, real data were used in the process of simulation of the mapped áreas, where dendrometric parameters maps gathered from geostatistic processes as compared to conventional processes of forestry inventory of planted forests were evaluated. It was concluded that the navigation equipment are feasible to conduct surveys of metric precision form 3 to 10 meters. The Garmim 10 GPS showed better results than the Etrex Vista GPS, as well as in áreas with or without planted forest. The better precision of the coordinates collected with the Garmin 10 GPS were due to the function of the data collecting system for the planted forest inventory, which generates corrected means of the coordinates stored in the equipment. The data collecting system for the forestry inventories of planted forests helped to manipulate and to locate the sampling units of the forestry inventory. The mobility enabled the inventory data to be recorded and stored for further manipulation; it enabled speed and optimization of the data processing activities after the transmisssion to the computer. The inteaction between the variables used in this research, together with the georeferenced data, enabled to distinguish and to visualize distinct characteristics of the forest. Enabled to relate the productivity and to carry the zoning of better growth of the forests. The móbile technolgy use with data collecting systems for the forestry inventory of planted forests, as well as the use of mapping and geostatistics are recommended to improve the quality of forests quantification and qualification, motivating the use of precision silviculture.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Geomática
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectTecnologia móvel
dc.subjectFlorestas plantadas
dc.subjectMapeamento e geoestatíscica
dc.subjectMóbile technology
dc.subjectPlanted forests
dc.subjectMapping and geostatistics
dc.titleAplicabilidade da tecnologia móvel em atividades de silvicultura de precisão: mapeamento, inventário e geoestatística florestais

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