Ovariectomia em cadelas por notes híbrida ou total: estudo de viabilidade técnica, análises álgica e de cortisol plasmático
Linhares, Marcella Teixeira
The purpose of this study was to compare two transvaginal NOTES ovariectomy (OVE) techniques in bitches regarding technical issues, surgical time, complications, as well as plasma cortisol concentration and postoperative pain scores. A sample of 16 dogs was divided into two groups: GNH patients (n=8) underwent transvaginal hybrid-NOTES OVE; and GNT dogs (n=8) were submitted to transvaginal total-NOTES OVE. The surgical time was not different between groups. None of the dogs required rescue analgesic during or after surgery at any time point. Groups did not differ significantly from each other regarding pain scores, except for 72 hours after extubation on visual analogue scale (EVA) assessment. GNH group presented higher pain score than GNT at 72 hours. Plasma cortisol did not differ between groups in most time points. However, GNT group presented higher plasma cortisol at the baseline. Cortisol peaked at the immediate postoperative period in both groups, but was significantly raised only in the GNH group. Both NOTES OVE techniques were feasible and safe in dogs. However, proper patient selection is advised. Techniques showed similar results for all assessment. Both techniques presented low complications rates and reduced pain during and after surgery.