| Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
O práxis - coletivo de educação popular e a universidade em movimento
Oliveira, Cícero Santiago de
The current work, which was developed trough a qualitative approach, aims to deal with
the management dynamics of popular preparation for university entry developed by
Práxis – Popular Collective of Education, in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. In this
way, the motivations that collect the agents in this educational space, the undertaken
strategies to the activities development and the daily life dynamics of management of
Práxis between 2000 e 2005 are the subject matter. The methodology developed was
next to the critic epistemology giving primacy to the object analysis like a time and space
delimited social construction and, like this, as a constituent part of a historic totality. The
study is developed in a movement that seeks to situate the object in a broader historic
social context to, then, return to the object and identify its specificities and dynamics of
manifestation. It has to be observed that the project seeks to undertake a
automanagement vision of management into the formal institution of teaching, the
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, in a process marked by conflicts between this and
the institution as like the agents itself. At the same time its possible to identify between
the lasts the constitution of a conspicuous management culture of radicalized
democracy and the connection between reflection and practice in a dynamics which
brings the group near to the anticapitalists contemporaries fights.