Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Educação física infantil: professores unidocentes
Jardim, Rochele Ribeiro
The Physical Education requirement is assured in the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education - Law no. 9394/96 (BRAZIL, 1996), in Article 26, § 3, noting that the subject, integrated to the Pedagogical School, is a compulsory curricular component of Basic Education and is also confirmed in the National Curriculum Parameters - PCNs (BRAZIL, 1997). Currently, the professional responsible for giving the physical education classes to initial years of elementary school, from 1st to 5th grade, is the classroom teacher of the class, which is graduated in Teaching or Pedagogy, but often not enabled or prepared to teach the Physical Education classes. This study was based on interviews with teachers 1, 3 and 5 years of elementary school, that teach in "unidocentes" classes, in a State School of Alegrete (RS), getting to know your opinion about the lessons Physical Education they develop with their courses, as well as who should be responsible for administering these classes in the Early Years. Believed to be possible to conclude that the respondents consider extremely important class of Physical Education in the Early Years, but their commitments to these classes, fall short. The factors identified as problematic for the development of these classes ranging from the aspect of knowledge, not present in Vocational Training, conditions present physical structure of the school. As the seven teachers of this research, belonging to the same school, have pointed out as an obstacle to the development of physical education classes physical spaces and inadequate teaching materials, consider how the school authority responsibility provide good conditions for the development of all disciplines make up the school curriculum, including physical education also in this case the Department of Education of our state.