dc.contributorWerlang, Mauro Kumpfer
dc.contributorBecker, Elsbeth Léia Spode
dc.contributorNummer, Andrea Valli
dc.creatorAita, Rômulo Augusto Aragones
dc.identifierAITA, Rômulo Augusto Aragones. SPATIAL CLAY VARIATION IN A HILLSLOPE TOPOSEQUENCE SEGMENT IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PAINS, SANTA MARIA, RS. 2016. 126 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geociências) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2016.
dc.description.abstractThis research puts forward as its central subject an inquiry into the existence of an underground lateral flow capable of carrying particles that leads to morfogenetical implications. Regarding the pertinence to this analysis of a survey by Werlang et al. (2014), this project builds on the conclusions reached by the application of the pedological cover structural analysis in a toposequence. From these outcomes, as well as due to the significant finding of a notorious low hydraulic conductivity of the underground horizons proven in trials, it was possible identify a lateral flow predominantly on the eluvial horizon. In an area next to that the mentioned study took place, we selected a hillslope to proceed a preliminary topographic survey to define the hillslope geomorphic nature and set up the geomorphic breaking points of this hillslope. Subsequently, this allowed to conduct the soil sounding along the toposequence of eleven points in these geomorphic breaking points, determining depth and thickness of the present horizons and collecting samples for laboratory analysis. Similarly, the morphological description of the probed profiles was performed. After this stage of field works, a new topographic survey was conducted designed to locate, within the mentioned area, the probing points aiming at obtaining a profile of the hillslope topossequence segment data. This procedure allowed to obtain a bidimensional analysis of the pedological cover and enabled to develop several substantial inferences. Taking into account the results of this analysis, we proceed to characterize, both in field and laboratory, the present litology condition in the area on the Santa Maria Formation. The samples obtained in field allowed to accomplish the granulometrical characterization, and next, tabulate these data. In this way, the discussion could identify gradients of concentration from different granulometrical grades, which were then used to define a dynamics based on surface and underground flows supporting a wide discussion engaged thereof. The presence of positive gradients, albeit tenuous, in the clay fraction down the slope, afforded to infer the existence of a subsurface flow with transport and further accumulation of material on top of the B horizon of profiles located at lower levels. Accordingly, this allowed to testify the validity of purpose of this study, noting however the presence of two distinct litologies from the Santa Maria Formation whose permeability has shown that the dynamics of the hillslope is highly complex insomuch as inserted in the landscape as a whole.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Geografia
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectFormação Santa Maria
dc.subjectAnálise estrutural
dc.subjectCobertura pedológica
dc.subjectFração argila
dc.subjectGeological formation Santa Maria
dc.subjectPedological cover
dc.subjectStructural analyses
dc.subjectClay fraction
dc.titleVariação espacial da argila numa toposequência em um segmento de vertente no distrito de Pains - Santa Maria, RS

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