Recursos e atividades do moodle em dispositivos móveis para educação aberta
Pujol, Patrícia Araujo
This paper presents a study of the theme online educational technologies operable in tablets
and smartphones for open education in the line of research management of online educational
technologies and area of concentration online educational technologies: innovation and
democratization. The general objective was the development of a strategic matrix of operation
of Moodle resources and activities in mobile devices for open education, parametrizing online
educational technologies viable-possible of operationalization in the tripod virtual
environment-mobile device-open education. For such, we realized an Educational Action
Research containing five spiral cycles of self-reflection. Each cycle involved 4 phases. 1 -
Plan: We planned innovations in the didactic modules to operate on mobile devices. 2 - Act:
we developed practical experiments of customization of the materials in the CTS-UAB-PAP
test Subject, backup of the CTS original Subject. 3 - Observe: we tested the materials with
egress from the course Teacher Formation for Professional Education, CTS Subject, using the
dialogic guide as data collection technique. 4 - Reflect: we reflected critically on the results
achieved so far to re-plan. The theoretical reference mentioned was Educational Action
Research, Education as freedom Practice, Free Software Social Movement, Open Educational
Resources, Study Activities, documents published by United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization and the Open University of Brazil system. The main result pointed
the adequate functioning of the 11 resources and 4 activities used in the CTS-UAB-PAP test
Subject on the Moodle in tablets and smartphones. We produced a hypermedia book in
Moodle as a product, in the form of a teacher tutorial, for the face-to-face, blended and online
learning modalities. Thus, we concluded that the possible school innovation consists in
mobile learning, consequently in opportunity of free access for the quality education.