| Tesis
Legitimidade e legalidade no discurso jurídico: justificação racional do direito e normatividade ambiental
Saggin, Daniel Fioreze
The research presented here will focus on a theoretical horizon of law. More precisely, about the legacy of the analytic philosophy tradition for legal discourse, as is the possibility of building a rational discourse, from modernity. In its origin, the logical-positivist tradition of science, to the analytical philosophies themselves, printed one rationality constraint for the other regional sciences. For this reason, the legal-scientific discourse, for effective compliance with the methodological rigor objective of this tradition, had to produce a postulate for his science, the fundamental norm. In this sense, the fundamental rule is the condition of possibility for determining the feasibility of the methodological axioms legacy by logical-positivist tradition. This is because it was necessary to "neutralize" the legal discourse any metaphysical intrusion (normative/evaluative) of the interior of the science of law system. This process culminated henceforth in normative theories of law. However, the assumption of a formal rationale for the law, contemporary, faces some theoretical cracks, precisely because the logical-positivist tradition of law, for the fulfillment of its methodological axioms, such as the "principle of non-valuation" and dualism Kantian, should assume the legitimacy from the legal domination processes, namely the legality itself, as implementing a valid legal order. The questioning on this theoretical perspective of the right is the complexity of the environmental crisis nowadays. And not only. The formal justification offered by the legal discourse, until then, did not appear to offer reasonable answer about the possibility of rational justification for the rule of law, as is its strictly normative-prescriptive. The size of the "environmental problem", in contemporary times, exposes a very dense evaluative load on the structure of the legal system. The legal standard is through for indefinite legal concepts. This questioning runs, then the description of the legal and formal structure and the possibility of forming a rational legal discourse on the problems made from modernity. Therefore, you need to review, in theory, the legality of the structure and the presumption of legitimacy of legal discourse in this sense.