dc.contributorHenz, Celso Ilgo
dc.contributorCorte, Marilene Gabriel Dalla
dc.contributorAndreola, Balduino Antonio
dc.contributorOliveira, Valeska Maria Fortes de
dc.creatorRobaert, Samuel
dc.identifierROBAERT, Samuel. POLITICAL-PEDAGOGICAL PROJECT: RECONSTRUCTION OF SPACE OF TEACHING PROFESSIONALISM IN A PERSPECTIVE HUMANIZING. 2015. 236 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2015.
dc.description.abstractIn this study, we approach the Political Pedagogical Project (PPP) centrality as scholar everydayness important articulator, as innovation instrument at school and potential articulator of teachers permanent formation, through processes auto(trans)formatives, with the development of educational institution. We reference Paulo Freire, Francisco Imbernón, Isabel Alarcão, Antônio Nóvoa, Vitor Paro e Heloisa Luck, among others, in order to think the PPP as an important participation and decision sharing mechanism, in a way that its shared construction by scholar community is a dialogical and humanizer movement of educative institution. So, this text is a theoretical-practical research report, of the qualitative approach, of case-study method, which comprises its arising reflections. Locus was an cluster of three urban school of an Municipal Teaching Network. Eight teachers, scholar council members of their respective schools, served as subjects. This research aims to verify how the school PPP articulates its everydayness and permanent teachers formation, seen that this articulation makes viable the docent professionality development, through direct teachers participation in argument about schools problematics and, by consequence, promote the educative institution development. With the research we noticed that PPP is not the docent auto(trans)formatives processes articulator with the school everydayness, and that the public politics to permanent teachers formation at Municipal Teaching Network have been implemented in a view that sees the teacher as an executor of such politics and not an author, losing a privileged space of docent professional development linked to educative institution development.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectFormação permanente de professores
dc.subjectProjeto político-pedagógico
dc.subjectGestão escolar
dc.subjectDemocracia escolar
dc.subjectTeachers permanent formation
dc.subjectPolitical-pedagogical project
dc.subjectScholarship management
dc.subjectSchool democracy
dc.titleProjeto político-pedagógicos: espaço de (re)construção profissional docente em uma perspectiva humanizadora

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