Co-projeto de perspectiva completa para conversores CC-CC com controlador digital
Vargas, Diogo Ribeiro
Cyber-physical systems performance are dependents of cyber and physical domains. This work
applied a cyber-physical approach in digitally controlled power converter. This thesis proposes
a new full perspective co-design methodology, incorporating into a single co-design the
multidisciplinary steps of electronics, control and computing. In order to develop this
methodology is presented an analysis of the co- design stages interdependencies. Which shows
some dependencies such as AD converter resolution, DPWM module resolution, converter
switching frequency, controller sampling frequency, control algorithm execution time, system
dynamic response, inductive and capacitive components. This thesis proposes a new
microcontroller test algorithm to estimate the worst-case execution time of digital controller
algorithm. Besides that, the ADC and DPWM characteristics is analyzed. The design
methodology of converter inductance associates the plant characteristics to facilitate digital
controller design. The switching and sampling frequency co-design approach takes into account
the closed-loop system dynamic response, the quantizers, the digital controller execution time,
and the output voltage ripple. A laboratory prototype is built in order to validate the proposal
design methodology. The topology employed is a DC-DC buck converter operating in
continuous conduction mode. The mathematical analysis and practical results shown the
importance of multiple perspectives co-design. Being that only one of the three computational
platforms compared was able to perform the digital controller correctly. Moreover, the small
number of parameters forced by the designer reduced the impact of arbitrary choices that exist
in traditional design methodologies.