Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Gestores municipais de saúde e o COAP: percepções e caminhos para o enfrentamento
Soleiman, Aliciana Paulo
Qualitative study, exploratory/descriptive. A total of 10 municipal health managers were randomly selected previously. Individual semi-structured interviews and participant observation were performed. The analysis of the collected data occurred through the technique of content analysis. The present study aimed to identify the level of knowledge of the managers of municipal health departments on COAP as well as the understanding of these managers in the mode of accountability of the federal instances in the process of implementation of this contract. The research revealed that the municipal health managers have a low level of knowledge about COAP given the time that elapses from its publication. The support provided by the CRS and the residents of the multi-professional residency program in planning and management of the public health system, produced inquiries and encouraged the managers' search for better appropriation on the COAP. Another aspect that emerged was that since all federal entities are responsible for public health, ensuring the accountability among them is to guarantee the integral attention to the user.