Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Cantando na escola indígena: música dos povos Kaingang e Guarani
Santos, Juliana dos
This paper presents the importance of music in Guarani and Kaingang indigenous
schools of Salto do Jacuí-RS. The music is an important artistic expression in social
and cultural life of indian peoples. This study shows the project "Singing at
Indigenous School", organized and developed into two schools of indigenous
Guarani villages: Tekoá Porã (Salto do Jacuí-RS ) and Flor da Mata (Estrela Velha-
RS), and also Borboleta, a Kaingang’sindigenous school (Salto do Jacuí-RS). The
project aimed to provide musical experiences linked to the indigenous cultural
expression with the purpose, in addition to developing the aesthetic potential of
children, contribute to second language learning. Project activities involving rhymes
and popular songs themselves indigenous cultures Kaingang and Guarani, which
were performed at the three schools involving children in early childhood education
and early years. By conducting the research it was concluded that music can not be
dissociated from the curricular practices of indigenous education, and perceived that
activities are more enjoyable with music and develop more learning and cultural
interaction of these peoples.