Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Aprendizagem de danças populares: implicações dos métodos global e parcial progressivo na aquisição e retenção de uma coreografia
Garlet, Martinha Leila
The dance is a motor ability that, now, it is present in a lot of
schools being part of the contents and assuming an educational function.
However, frequently, the teachers are insecure as for the method that
should use so that the apprentice could be benefit in the learning and in
the retention of movements of a dance choreography. The present study
had as the objective to verify which of the methods, Global or Partial
Progressive, is more effective on acquiring and retaining popular
dancing movements. A sample of 24 children between 10 and 11 years
old, participated in this survey, all of them enrolled in Elementary Public
School Profª Cândida Zasso. Two groups were formed with 12 children
in each. Group 1 worked with the global method and the second with the
partial progressive. There were 8 practical sessions for both groups with
an interval of 48 hours from one session to the other. At the end of the 8th
session there was an acquisition test to verify how much the student had
learnt throughout the learning process. After a 48 hours interval, without
any practice, It was applied another test to verify how much the student
had retained in a long-term memory. The data were analyzed through the
test “t” of student in order to verify the existence of differences between
groups. It was found p = - 0,576 in the acquisition test while p = - 0,463
in the retaining test. According to these results it was noticed that there is
no meaningful statistical difference between the methods in the learning
process of a popular dance choreography.