Eficiência da aplicação de insumos a taxa variável na correção do solo e uniformização da produtividade da cultura da soja através de mapas de agricultura de precisão
2013-08-30Registro en:
SANTI, Olavo Gabriel Rossato. Efficiency of the variable fertilizers rate application in the soil correction and yeld standardisation of soybean crop through precision farming maps. 2013. 78 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2013.
Santi, Olavo Gabriel Rossato
The use of tools and techniques of precision agriculture by farmers is not a new in
the field, because their uses are increasing year after year. Among them have been
highlighted soil samples using the handheld GPS and yield maps as tools for
identifying soil variability and production. In order to verify the efficiency of the
variable fertilizers rates in improving of the soil fertility and productivity reflexes. The
research was conducted in the Coxilha city, in the Rio Grande do Sul State, in a crop
with no tillage system consolidated for over 15 years. The soil is a dystrophic Red
Hapludox. The climate is humid subtropical Cfa, in according to the Köppen
classification. Initially, in 2011, were vectorized with GPS navigation, 51.05 hectares
and generated 35 compounded samples of soil, on a sampling grid of 1.5 hectares,
to evaluate the chemical variability of the soil. Was used the software Campeiro CR 7
to generate the maps of chemical attributes. The same procedure was repeated in
2012 to verify the effects of soil corrections. The yield maps were obtained in
soybean seasons of 2005, 2008, 2011, 2012 and 2013, and were generated with the
help of the Ag Leader SMS software. After, correlations were made between fertility
and productivity for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013. The results showed that the use
of the soil sampling loop was effective for identify the variability in the soil fertility
attributes and the effects of interventions in the variable rate. To the yield maps, it
was verified no decreases in the variability of harvest after the nutrients variable rate
corrections. It was possible to define regions with consistent productivity using the
superposition of several yeld maps technique. The nutrient that most evolved, after
the soil corrections, was the phosphorus and the same had the highest correlation
with yield for the years 2012 and 2013.