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Papanicolau: a importância do exame preventivo
Ceretta, Ana Paula Chiapinotto
In 1940, Dr. George Papanicolaou created an exam that until nowadays is helping in
the screening and control of the cancer of uterus lap. The exam of Papanicoloau consists of a
gynecological exam used by the gynecologists to verify alterations in the cervical cells that
can be indications of infections or alterations that can predispose cancer. It is a simple and
fast exam where the doctor introduces a speculate in the vagina that allows the opening of
the walls of the vagina and with a cotton swab, brush or a slat removes some cells of the lap
of the uterus, which will be ordered to the laboratory for microscopically to be analyzed. All of
the women, mainly the sexually active, would owe if it submits to a preventive exam at least
once a year.
Data world championships appear for a high tax of the woman's mortality with
consequence of cancer of uterus lap. The cancer will continue attacking women that don't
make regular gynecological exams and tests for detection of diseases. The real possibility
exists of reducing significantly the incidence of gynecological cancer, it is enough to structure
an effective program of combat to the cancer, with educational campaigns for the feminine
population of risk.
In the last 50 years the incidence and the mortality for cancer of uterus lap are
decreasing thanks to the new screening techniques of the Papanicolaou test. Therefore, it is
one of the most important exams for the prevention of the health of women. The prevention is
always the best medicine.