Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
As mídias como recurso educacional na educação especial: um estudo de caso na Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Júlio Biasi, Capão do Cipó, RS
Bossi, Fabiane Jacques
This article shows the results of the case study conducted at the Municipal School of Elementary Education Júlio Biasi, in the municipality of Capão do Cipó, with the target four teachers trained in Special Education and / or special classes. We tried to understand what the relevant existing work to the media as an educational practice with the students served in-room multi-functional features. For this we as questionnaire as an instrument for collecting data from the professionals. It was conclude that the media are seen as important resources to enrich students’ learning process, since different aspects favor that make up the human being. Thus, the media are increasingly embedded in our school, to help educators to reframe the process of acquiring knowledge, making the social world, which the students live, may be closer to the school. It was also felt that the resources exist that can to promote a more inclusive education, giving our students real opportunities to learn from quality according to the condition of your time and learning.