dc.contributorOurique, Maiane Liana Hatschbach
dc.creatorFiorin, Bruna Pereira Alves
dc.description.abstractTeachers have increasingly sought postgraduate courses as a possibility to improve of their work and, among these possibilities, is the Management Specialization. However, litlle is know about the effects of this formation in the work of these professionals. For this reason, having as theme the influences of Specialization in Educational Management in the work of teachers, sought to understand in the context of the Research Line Educational Management, as teachers, specialists in educational management, describe the influence of its specialization in the work currently developing? In order to meet the questioning, this qualitative research was to instrument data collection a questionnaire - eight teachers who have completed the Course of Specialization in Educational Management, presential or distance, from the Federal University of Santa Maria - and these Educational Project courses. Data were analyzed using content analysis. From this organization, it was found that teachers have a broad overview of his work, opting to attend specialization for believing in it as a form of continuing education. Teachers highlight the influence of educational management in their actions, as well as the specialization in question, that helps them to understand managers better understand the school organization and public policies, and participate more in the discussions that take place at school. Finally, the research analyzes showed the importance of specialization such as this, which confirms the formation of the professional teacher as manager, creating opportunities, and deepening, a magnified view of the educational context, their policies and the work of teachers.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Educação
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectGestão educacional
dc.titleO curso de especialização em gestão educacional e o trabalho dos professores: influências e possibilidades
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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