dc.description.abstract | Being aware of the obligatoriness of the education from the age of four (Law nº
12.796/2013), municipalities have implemented strategies for guaranteeing enrollment. In
this way, this research has as main objective, to investigate how does school management
think and organize the pedagogical work of Early Childhood Education in the context of
Elementary School. The methodology used in this study is qualitative, of the case study type
(YIN, 2001), with semi-structured interviews developed with the management team of a
Municipal School of Elementary Education of the municipality of Santa Maria/RS. The study
consisted of the following steps: 1) to delimit what would be the case study; 2) after it, carry
out the theoretical study and the elaboration of interview questions, the definition of subjects
and contexts; 3) finally, the production and analysis of the data. Throughout the it is
discussed on the legislation and public policies that imply quality for Child Education
(BRASIL, 2010), (LDB, 9395/96), (BRASIL, 1988), (BRASIL, 2009), (BRASIL, 2006)
conception of childhood and child and systematization of these policies at school (KRAMER,
2011), (BUJES, 2001), (BARBOSA, 2010). As considerations, we highlight children have
many rights by law, however, we realize that, often, policies are far from the reality of
schools. We know that school alone cannot do much, because quality work requires financial
support and partnership between the macro and micro organizations. Many are its
challenges, since there is difficulty in offering quality under minimal conditions. In addition,
the strategies adopted by the government aim at much more economic rather than qualitative
aspects. | |