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Implicações do auxílio permanência no desempenho escolar dos discentes do Instituto Federal Farroupilha de Educação e Tecnologia - campus Alegrete
Rodrigues, Adriele Machado
This paper analyzes the educational performance of students contemplated by Permanence Assistence , Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha, Câmpus Alegrete., in the academic year 2012 . This research is qualitative in nature, we used documentary research with a literature review on the subject and a questionnaire. We conducted a diagnosis of school performance and analyzed the perceptions of students about the influence of Permanence Assistence on the quality of their training . We sought to further verify the effects of this benefit as a public policy of social inclusion developed by the Student Assistance Institution . The results indicate that while aid Permanence action proposal inclusive presented significant influences . It was found that Assistence Staying contributes to afford transportation to your residence and other expenses the institution providing opportunities equal terms to those who find themselves in a situation of social vulnerability . Regarding the implication of permanence as a tool to help guarantee a good performance at school , most students felt that receiving Permanence Assistence not influence school performance . The elementary school students showed inefficient and teaching methodology as the factors that interfere with learning difficulties and failures in the disciplines. According to the results, there is a need for a teaching job that strengthens student-teacher relationship to both build an education space emancipatory and transformative.