Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Gestão educacional: o ato de educar, pensar, sentir e agir
Bertoldi, Marieli
This monograph thematizes about educational management and school in which we
sought to investigate how does the school management in schools of St. Anthony’s
Plateau / RS. Specifically aimed at identifying the school under study is constructer
das the school management understands the role of school managers with quality, the
actions delegated in the face of educational management and meet the challenges
that predominate in the practice of school manager. The survey was developed with
a qualitative approach, characterized as a case study. Participated in the study,
three school administrators, Rita, Cristiane and Roseli. As an instrument of data,
collection used the questionnaire. The data were analyzed, reflected, rescued from
new knowledge, the reality of schools and managers. The interviewee has revealed
ways of thinking, acting, feeling, being a very important contribution that can answer
the questions posed, they know that there are responsibilities and commitments to
be met. Each seek their own way, so that solutions can together, educators and
families, do a job that guarantees the participation of most families in the daily school