Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Uma experiência na educação infantil: as diferentes linguagens da criança
Costa, Adriane Oliveira da
This work aims at presenting an experience of research-action in which it developed a pedagogical proposal that maximizes the development of multiple languages in a preschool group from the Elementary municipal school Martinho Lutero, in Santa Maria/RS, in the first semester of 2016. In this way, it has been sought the following issues: knowing the theoretical elements that approach children language as means of education/learning; identifying the theoretical and legal basis that guide the language conceptions in the practice of the children’s education teacher; reflecting about the limits and possibilities of considering children’s languages in the learning process in order to have quality in Children’s Education in the referred school. The study has been developed from a research-action as a strategy for the development of the research teacher on his own practice, and in this sense using his/her researches to improve teaching and learning processes. The bibliographic benchmarks that served as basis for the study were: Barbosa (2009), Freire (1996), Edwards, Gandini and Forman (1999-2016), Brasil (1996-2002-2010), Oliveira (1995), Junqueira Filho (2014), Ludke (2003), Osteto (2000), Tripp (2005), Elliot (1997), Friedmann (2013), Horn (2012), Mello (2005) among others. This experience allowed identifying the languages that permeate the work in Children’s Education, so that they can and must be maximized through playing, providing that produced interactions and mediations constitute pillars of pedagogical action. Children’s Education has been advancing and overcoming challenges referring to the work with multiple languages presented in the education of children. A school that arranges a team of professionals with a goal in common: sharing their theories and practices having as basis the “pedagogy of the relation and the hearing”, it is also searched. The Children’s Education space needs to be constituted in a place where children feel comfortable to travel in the imagination, sharing, transforming and building knowledges, walking for an actual construction of citizenship and common good.