Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Gestão educacional e promoção da saúde de pessoas com depressão: um estudo de caso em um centro de atenção psicossocial
Fernandes, Marcelo Nunes da Silva
This research centralizes its discussion in the educational process of the health
professionals in the promotion of health in people with depression in the Centro de
Atenção Psicossocial 1 (CAPS 1) in the city of São Sepé - RS, with the purpose of
(re) constructing education for the health transformer of this reality. For this, a
qualitative approach was used the data collected through a questionnaire was group
in: education for the conservative health and education for the transforming health.
The subjects of this research were five health professionals and five people with
depression. The knowledge of the health professionals and of the people with
depression characterizes the elements of the educational process that connects the
human being as a person, education, health and illness. This way, the education for
conservative health occurs in an educational process with domesticating actions in
the promotion of health in people with depression, beause they are ruled by the
particularities of the subjects involved in the investigated reality.