dc.contributorHecktheuer, Luisa Helena Rychecki
dc.contributorMarques, Anne Y Castro
dc.contributorRosa, Claudia Severo da
dc.creatorSimões, Greice Dotto
dc.identifierSIMÕES, Greice Dotto. Crem (Tropaeolum pentaphyllum Lam): caracterização química, antioxidante e sua aplicação como condimento em uma pasta vegetal. 2015. 97 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia dos Alimentos) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2015.
dc.description.abstractThe present study had by object analyze the chemical composition of crem (Tropaeolum pentaphyllum Lam) and posteriorly check the effect of this tubercle used as condiment in the shelf life of a vegetable paste the chickpea base. Firstly, were analyzes accomplished of chemical characterization and quantification of phenolic compounds. The results obtained in the chemical composition show that the crem has a good quantity of fibers (16,79%) and low quantity of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity. In the quantification of phenolic compounds were found the flavonoids: kaempferol (15,62±0,01 mg/g), luteolin (12,17±0,03 mg/g), quercetin (10,45±0,01 mg/g), coumarin (6,38±0,02 mg/g) and rutin (0,84±0,01 mg/g) and the phenolics acids: caffeic (6,15±0,02 mg/g), gallic (4,97±0,03 mg/g) and chlorogenic (4,73±0,01 mg/g). After this characterization, concentrations were used of 0%, 0,2%, 0,5% and 0,8% of crem in the form in natura and grated in the elaboration of a vegetable paste the chickpea base. The pastes were stored in refrigeration at 4°C for 60 days. Analyzes were performed of humidity, ashs, proteins, fat, fibers, calorific value and still, every fortnight, analyzed the pH, acidity, water activity, color, phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity, TBARS values, texture, microbiological analysis. The sensorial analysis was accomplished using the affective test acceptability with hedonic scale of seven points, evaluating the parameters color, odor, flavor and texture/spreadability and an attitude test for purchase intent of product. The pH show a decrease, while the acidity increase over time. The water activity remained stable in the control treatment and decreased in treatments added crem over time of storage. With relation the color of product, the pastes show a tendency to browning for all treatments during storage. For phenolics coumpounds and antioxidant activity the variation found was between 27,98 to 41,46 mg GAE.100g-1 and 14,91 to 25,54% respectively. At the end period of the storage, the TBARS value for the paste with 0,8% crem it was 0,37±0,0494 mg MDA.Kg-1 of sample and the control of 0,43±0,0282 MDA.Kg-1. In the paste of texture parameters, the firmness increased in all treatments over time of storage. The cohesiveness and elasticity of pastes decreased after 60 days. For the adhesiveness, an increase was observed only in treatments crem added. The crem presented effect on the microbiological stability of paste, presenting lower count psicotrofics microrganisms in added pastes of crem. It was noted reduction in the microorganism counting mesophilic aerobic in the treatment with 0,8% of crem compared to control. The acceptability test showed no significant difference between the vegetables pastes added of crem and the control. The added paste of 0,5% crem present greater purchase intent (38%), although it has a value close to the control paste (37%). Thus, concluded that the pastes containing crem (Tropaeolum pentaphyllum Lam) showed betters results in relation to fiber content, lipid oxidation and psicotrofics microorganisms, so it can be application in products.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCiência e Tecnologia dos Alimentos
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia dos Alimentos
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectCrem (tropaeolum pentaphyllum lam)
dc.subjectPasta vegetal
dc.subjectCrem (tropaeolum pentaphyllum lam)
dc.subjectVegetable paste
dc.titleCrem (Tropaeolum pentaphyllum Lam): caracterização química, antioxidante e sua aplicação como condimento em uma pasta vegetal

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