O que as crianças da pré-escola revelam acerca das práticas pedagógicas que experienciam no contexto de uma escola de educação infantil
Beling, Vívian Jamile
Considering the current context of National Policies for Education and, more specifically, those that
have given greater visibility to Early Childhood Education, such as Law No. 12.796 of 2013,
amending Law 9.394 of 1996, which provides for the Guidelines and Bases of Education National,
making it compulsory to enter school from the age of four, we present the research developed as a
master's thesis of the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) of the Federal University of Santa Maria
(UFSM), in the line of research Policies And Educational Practices (LP2). Aiming to investigate what
pre-school children reveal about the pedagogical practices they experience in the context of a
municipal public school in Santa Maria / RS, the research was guided by Prof. Dr. Cleonice
Tomazzetti, Integrating the Research and Contemporary Studies Group on Early Childhood Education
(GIECEI). It is characterized as a research with children, within the field of Pedagogy, in which
strategies were searched to qualify the children as active subjects and participants of the research,
through the written record of their speeches, their drawings and photographs. The intensification of the
research was based on three proposals planned by the researcher, which, based on her initial
observations and records, were organized in three axes: experiences, protagonism and interactions.
The theoretical framework was constructed based on the concept of experience of the philosophers
John Dewey and Walter Benjamin, and authors presenting the theoretical methodological challenges of
research with children, such as Silva, Barbosa and Kramer (2008), Oliveira-Formosinho (2008) ,
Martins Filho (2010), among others. Based on the study carried out, it can be stated that, in both the
policies and the academic research presented, the place of the preschool child is a new place, marked
by achievements, but also by theoretical clashes and in the context of strategies and resources for To
guarantee the rights won. Thus, we reaffirm the importance of research that considers and seeks to value the
voices of children, qualifying research methodologies with children, also within the field of Pedagogy. The
children who collaborated with the research showed us to be extremely competent, recorded through their
drawings and pictures the spaces of the school, and their ways of interacting in these spaces, being evident the
preference and taste for the external areas and especially the square. In general, in their interactions and games
children show us a vast world of experiences that go beyond the proposals and intentions imagined by adults.