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Serviços de M-GOV: estudo de caso na administração tributária
Burkhard, Luciano Moreira
The Public Administration is constantly looking for instruments to turn its job agile
and to provide information in an easy, fast and reliable way. With the use of the Information Technology in this process, it is possible to approximate and to improve the communication between government and citizen, providing information and public services through the internet, which is called Electronic Government or E-Gov. Using the improvement of mobile telephony and the wireless communication, these information and services are offered to the public through mobile devices, defined as Mobile Government or M-Gov. Having in mind that M-Gov turns it easy the citizen access to public services and it promotes a higher digital inclusion, since mobile devices achieve a bigger number of people in relation to the computers, this study aims to identify the necessities of the public services to the mobile devices which can be provided from tributary administration to citizen. This paper brings a literature review about Electronic Government, Mobile Computation and Mobile Government, it summarizes the main solutions of M-Gov in several countries and in Brazil, it presents the concepts, the departments and the responsibilities of the Municipal Tributary Administration and, finally, it shows and comments the research results of the M-Gov services to the tributary area that was held in some cities. From the analysis of the results, it is possible to conclude that the services that have a bigger interest are those which have a direct
relationship with the citizen, having as preference the debit notices and the searches related to administrative processes.