dc.description.abstract | The man is social, rational and emotional, unfinished, creative a being
that he constructs and he reconstructs in mediation with the partner-cultural
context in which this inserted one. Ahead of this in we question them: how the
psicopedagogos can sensetize the educandos so that the same ones develop its
multiple intelligences (Gardner)? For this in we consider them through a
participant research, to deepen the knowledge concerning the development of
multiple intelligences (in special the linguistics, the staffs: intra and
interpersonal and the kinaesthetic-corporal one) through activities for the
stimulation of the same ones. We develop the research with 14 pupils of 6° year of the basic education of the Municipal School of Basic Education Eno Brum Saucers, Are Sepé-RS. Some games had been used where the pupils had demonstrated through its
participation that had a significant change in the increase of auto-esteem, of the
autoconceito and the capacity of self-acceptance, as well as significant
improvements in the personal and interpersonal relationship. The main result
from the lived deeply activities proposals had been the given depositions that
had helped for improvement of concentration in the study, improvement in
pertaining to school notes and bigger pleasure and joy of permanence in the
daily pertaining to school. Although to believe that this research is unfinished, therefore we must develop it it the long one of the pertaining to school years, therefore, we believe
the indissociabilidade between Ensino-Pesquisa, as well as psicopedagogos
compromised in the development of independent people, conscientious, full and
happy citizens. | |