Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Metodologia para previsão de demanda de uma floricultura da cidade de Santa Maria
Albrecht, Denise Lange
Inventory management encompasses everything from the planning of the raw material to the delivery of the product to the customer, considering the delivery time and quantity desired by the customer. Therefore, there are tools that assist the companies who desire to have a inventory management, like the ABC curve analysis or demand forecast. In companies that work with perishable products, inventory control use to be created with the goal of reducing product losses to the shelf life, when they can't be sold for no longer serve their main function. In this context, the present study aimed to develop a quantitative methodology for forecasting the demand for perishables, focused on floricultures, as a way to assist the companies to begining a inventory management system. This research started with a data collection, and subsequent definition of the products by the ABC curve analysis. After defining the products, the most appropriate methods were identified for each product, and the demand forecast was made.