Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
A importância dos jogos e das brincadeiras na educação infantil
Sampaio, Andrea Maria Maia
This study elaborates the importance of games and play in early childhood education. It is justified to do so, to investigate the positive influences that games and the games have on children's learning, especially on the backing of one of the theoretical concepts about learning in children: Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (1998), which among other scholars, underline the necessity of play activities are present in early development and learning of human beings, making particular reference to its existence. Somehow the play is present and adds a vital ingredient in the relationship between people, allowing creativity to flourish. Therefore, this research aims to examine and discuss the role of games, toys and games in education. For it seeks to analyze the constitution and the emergence of the game and the role of toys in the context of school management priority "care and education," especially in kindergarten. On the topic under study worked with the contribution Andrade (1995), Freire (2006), Kishimoto (2000), Lopes (1999), Negrine (1995), Oliveira (1993), Smith (2002), Santos (1997), Vygotsky (1998), among other specialists. The methodological approach was characterized by a literature review in the light of the references cited. It is argued in this study a methodology in which the play is a privileged form of learning, leading to the conclusion about the importance and applicability in the school context. We highlight the psychological and social aspects of the child because it is through play that children can express their feelings about the world.