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O PME e a atuação do gestor: da teoria à prática
Pomnitz, Naila Cohen
This monograph aims to understand the role of the manager and the strategies adopted for quality in early childhood education, considering the implementation of the goals of the Municipal Education Plan (PME) within a school of the Municipal Network of Education Santa Maria - RS. For that, a documentary and bibliographic study was conducted as a way of inferring concepts related to quality in early childhood education and the legislation in force about this stage. These concepts also pervade the study of the National and Municipal Education Plans, legislation that is highlighted in this study and that mark the limits and possibilities of education. Likewise, we sought to reflect on the importance of the manager in the quality of the child education offered and the possible strategies adopted by the managers to achieve the goals of the PME. The theoretical basis consisted of authors such as Zabalza (1998), Dourado and Oliveira (2009), Kuhlmann Jr. (1998), among others, as well as the legislation that aims at early childhood education and the National and Municipal Education Plans. It was verified with this monograph that the quality of the offered education has close relation with the diverse aspects inherent to the quotidian of institutions of infantile education. It is not possible to measure quality without considering the whole context in which the institution is immersed. The strategies for achieving the goals of the PME, especially goal 1, which addresses child education, require, in addition to the commitment of the manager, the partnership of the maintainer, in order to guarantee the quality in the education offered.