Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Leitura e escrita de ciberpoemas: a experiência com o hipertexto poético de Capparelli
Oliveira, Nara Christina Gonzatto de
The main objective of this research is to analyze the poetic hypertext Capparelli, to contribute to the student's reading and writing, based on the fact that the participation of those who navigate cyberpoem is established in a place of dialogue where the reader will want grasp the poem has to act and react, and every action / reaction to recreate, forming a new composition. To this end, we used a descriptive study, using the literature of authors who deal with the topic, including books, articles and Internet sites. It was concluded that cyberpoems are great opportunities for intervention between pleasure and knowledge historically formed and the work of Capparelli can be used by students in schools because it causes creativity, interactivity and dialogue, and makes the student feel pleasure reading at a time when digital technologies overlap the text on paper.