Cost-Benefit Analysis of Seismic Mitigation Measures for Wine Barrel Stacks
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Earthquake Spectra In-Press. 2017
Jaimes, Miguel A.
Candia, Gabriel
Favier, Philomène
This study conducts a cost-benefit analysis of alternative seismic risk mitigation methods for wine barrel stacks. The Chilean wine industry is presented as an illustrative case study, in which performance metrics such as the expected annual loss and benefit-cost ratios are computed for wineries at different locations. By computing seismic risk within a consistent framework, this study shows the value of cost-benefit simulations for defining the best mitigation strategies and allocating economic resources. Likewise, this approach helps to communicate information to decision-makers because it is presented in a simple and transparent way, even if they are not familiar with formal risk studies. For 3-level wine barrel stacks, it was observed that the Cradle Extender® (MS1) prevents a large number of barrel collapses and provides the highest benefit-cost ratio. On the other hand, for 6-level wine barrel stacks, the pre-stressed cable (MS2) is more effective than MS1 as it prevents the barrel stack from overturning. No significant reduction of loss is apparent in 4 and 5-level wine barrel stacks with the use of mitigation strategies; indeed the mitigation strategies could generate greater losses and, therefore, other alternatives must be