Survey research implementation in educational centers in Chile: fulfillments of ethical and legal regulatory aspects

dc.creatorMerino, Catalina
dc.creatorMattar, Gustavo
dc.creatorLeppe, Jaime
dc.creatorBahamondes, Paz
dc.creatorLecaros, Juan
dc.identifierActa Bioethica 2017; 23 (1): 47-54
dc.descriptionBackground: Research in educational centers is a frequent source of social and health related studies. Objective: To determine the knowledge and adherence to the current legal and ethical regulations to research performed on children at educational institutions. Methodology: Cross-sectional study online survey-type. The level of knowledge and adherence to the ethical regulation and legislation in Chile, to conduct research with minors was consulted. Results: 126 educational institutions responded the survey; 69% belonged to urban centers; 60% corresponded to those under the Municipality umbrella and 34% to charter schools. Research was performed in 31,8% of the consulted institutions, 41% of the research was on health issues and 30,8% on education. The 27,5% answered that they had the approval of ethical-scientific committee, 82% answered that they neither received nor had any awareness of regulatory aspects on research. Conclusion: There is low knowledge and adherence to ethical and legal regulation to research performed with children in educational centers. A journey for dissemination of results was performed and a flow chart was created by experts and proposed to the school directors to contribute to the adherence of ethical and regulatory aspects of research in educational centers.
dc.publisherCentro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Bioética, Universidad de Chile
dc.subjecteducational centers
dc.titleEncuesta sobre implementación de investigación en centros educacionales en Chile: cumplimientos de aspectos regulatorios éticos y legales
dc.titleSurvey research implementation in educational centers in Chile: fulfillments of ethical and legal regulatory aspects

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