dc.creatorPardo Vargas, Rosa A.
dc.creatorAracena, Mariana
dc.creatorAravena, Teresa
dc.creatorCares, Carolina
dc.creatorCortés, Fanny
dc.creatorFaundes, Víctor
dc.creatorMellado, Cecilia
dc.creatorPassalacqua, Cristóbal
dc.creatorSanz, Patricia
dc.creatorCastillo Taucher, Silvia
dc.identifierRevista Chilena de Pediatria, Volumen 87, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 422-431
dc.description.abstract© 2016 Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría Introduction The Genetic Branch of the Chilean Society of Paediatrics, given the draft Law governing the decriminalisation of abortion on three grounds, focusing on the second ground, which considers the “embryo or foetus suffering from a congenital structural anomaly or a genetic disorder incompatible with life outside the womb”, met to discuss the scientific evidence according to which congenital anomalies (CA) may be included in this draft law. Methodology Experts in clinical genetics focused on 10 CA, reviewed the literature evidence, and met to discuss it. Results It was agreed not to use the term “incompatible with life outside the womb”, as there are exceptions and longer survivals, and change to “congenital anomaly of poor prognosis (CAPP)”. Ten CA were evaluated: serious defects of neural tube closure: anencephaly, iniencephaly and craniorachischisis, pulmonary hypoplasia, acardiac foetus, ectopia cordis, non-mosaic triploidy, “limb body wa
dc.publisherSociedad Chilena de Pediatria
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceRevista Chilena de Pediatria
dc.subjectChromosomal aberrations
dc.subjectCongenital anomalies
dc.titleCongenital anomalies of poor prognosis. Genetics Consensus Committee Consenso de la Rama de Genética de la Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría sobre las anomalías congénitas de mal pronóstico vital (ACMPV)
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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