dc.creatorNavarrete, D.
dc.creatorHamilton-West Miranda, Christopher
dc.creatorStephens, N.
dc.creatorWeber, C.
dc.creatorTadich Gallo, Tamara
dc.identifierArchivos de Medicina Veterinaria, Volumen 47, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 77-84
dc.description.abstractBehaviour alterations are considered as cause and symptom of poor animal welfare. Generally they have been associated to suboptimal husbandry practices and intrinsic factors of horses. The aim of this study was to indentify risk factors for the presentation of behaviour alterations in sport horses. The information of 1,529 equines was compiled from three databases, the individuals were classified in groups according to the type of behaviour in i glocomotori h and i goralih. Environmental and intrinsic conditions were evaluated as possible risk factors for the presentation of oral behavioural alterations through a multiple logistic regression model; a significance level of P < 0.05 was considered. A total of 188 individuals with behavioural alterations were registered, and thirteen of them presented more than one alteration. A total of 90 locomotor and 111 oral undesired behaviours were registered; the most frequent undesired behaviours were box-walking and crib-biting/wind-sucking for
dc.publisherUniversidad Austral de Chile
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceArchivos de Medicina Veterinaria
dc.subjectAnimal welfare
dc.subjectRisk factors
dc.titleRisk factors for the presentation of undesired behaviours in sport horses in Chile Factores de riesgo para la presentación de conductas no deseadas en equinos de deporte en Chile
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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