dc.creatorLera Marques, Lydia
dc.creatorFretes Centurión, Gabriela
dc.creatorGonzález, Carmen Gloria
dc.creatorSalinas, Judith
dc.creatorVio del Río, Fernando Tomás
dc.identifierNutricion Hospitalaria, Volumen 31, Issue 5, 2018, Pages 1977-1988
dc.description.abstract© 2015 Grupo Aula Medica S.A. All rights reserved. Introduction: An instrument to measure food knowledge, food consumption, cooking skills, food habits and food expenses at school is necessary to assess changes in food practices. Objective: To validate an instrument to measure changes in food knowledge, food consumption, cooking skills, food habits and food expenses in Chilean school children 8 – 11 years from third to fifth grade. Methods: A validation of a questionnaire with 42 questions was conducted in two stages: the first to assess temporal stability, concordance and internal consistency in 45 children. The second one to apply the survey, modified with the results of the first stage, in 90 children assessing internal consistency. Results: The first survey with 42 questions showed a reasonable temporal stability, concordance and internal consistency for cooking skills, habits and food expenditure at school. Internal consistency was good for food consumption, but not so good for fo
dc.publisherGrupo Aula Medica S.A.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceNutricion Hospitalaria
dc.subjectCooking skills
dc.subjectFood consumption
dc.subjectFood habits
dc.titleValidity of an instrument for assessing food consumption, food habits and cooking skills in 8-11 years old students Validación de un instrumento para evaluar consumo, hábitos y prácticas alimentarias en escolares de 8 a 11 años
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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