Artículos de revistas
Suicidal ideation, self-directed violence and depression among Chilean school adolescents Ideas autolíticas, violencia autoinfligida, y síntomas depresivos en escolares chilenos
2012Registro en:
Revista Medica de Chile, Volumen 140, Issue 7, 2018, Pages 873-881
Barroilhet, Sergio
Fritsch, Rosemarie
Guajardo, Viviana
Martínez, Vania
Vöhringer, Paul
Araya, Ricardo
Rojas, Graciela
Background: Suicidal behaviors and depression are prevalent phenomena among adolescents, and are considered a public health problem. Aim: To determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms and suicidal behaviors and the relationship between both phenomena, in a representative sample of students from ninth grade in Santiago, Chile. Material and Methods: We recruited a probability sample of 2,597 adolescents who answered a questionnaire with questions about suicidal behavior and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II). Results: The lifetime prevalence of suicidal ideation and planning was 21 and 14%, respectively. The prevalence for the past two weeks was 6.7 and 4.4% for suicidal ideation and planning, respectively. Autolytic behaviors, once in lifetime and in the past week were referred by 26 and 4% of respondents, respectively. In one third of these, self-harm coincided with recent suicide ideation or planning. All levels of suicidal behavior were more frequently reported by women. Cli