dc.creatorRodolfo Armas,
dc.identifierRevista Medica de Chile, Volumen 139, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 119-122
dc.description.abstractClinicians know that the clinical encounter with the patient constitutes the foremost aspect in diagnosis and therapeutics. We also remember that our fi rst contact with clinical practice was to learn how to perform a good clinical history and thorough physical examination. Even after years of practice we are still learning how to listen to the patient, see, palpate and auscultate but most importantly, to approach a patient with warmth and kindness to unveil the mysteries of diseases and ailments. Books will not teach us these skills and practice is the basis of this learning process, but the text book by Drs. Goic, Chamorro and Reyes is of great help and orientation, when we drift through the different chapters devoted to medical history taking, physical signs, syndromes and laboratory tests. This third edition includes the late Dr. Chamorro as co-editor, because outstanding people do not pass, only transcend. Medical students will enjoy this book and clinicians will also appreciate i
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceRevista Medica de Chile
dc.subjectMedical history taking
dc.subjectPhysical examination
dc.subjectText books
dc.titlePresentation of the third edition of a text book on medical history taking and physical examination, by A. Goic, G. Chamorro and H. Reyes (Editors) La enseñanza de la Semiología. Presentación del texto de Semiología de A. Goic, G. Chamorro y H. Reyes
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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