Chile | Artículos de revistas
dc.creatorAlonso, Marcelo Felix
dc.creatorLongo, Karla Maria
dc.creatorFreitas, Saulo R.
dc.creatorMello da Fonseca, Rafael
dc.creatorMarécal, Virginie
dc.creatorPirre, Michel
dc.creatorKlenner, Laura Gallardo
dc.identifierAtmospheric Environment, Volumen 44, Issue 39, 2018, Pages 5072-5083
dc.description.abstractThis work describes the development of an urban vehicle emissions inventory for South America, based on the analysis and aggregation of available inventories for major cities, with emphasis on its application in regional atmospheric chemistry modeling. Due to the limited number of available local inventories, urban emissions were extrapolated based on the correlation between city vehicle density and mobile source emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Emissions were geographically distributed using a methodology that delimits urban areas using high spatial resolution remote sensing products. This numerical algorithm enabled a more precise representation of urban centers. The derived regional inventory was evaluated by analyzing the performance of a chemical weather forecast model in relation to observations of CO, NOx and O3 in two different urban areas, São Paulo and Belo Horizonte. The gas mixing ratios simulated using the proposed regional inventory show good a
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceAtmospheric Environment
dc.subjectChemical weather forecasting
dc.subjectSouth American megacities
dc.subjectUrban emissions
dc.titleAn urban emissions inventory for South America and its application in numerical modeling of atmospheric chemical composition at local and regional scales
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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