dc.creatorJulio Nazer, H.
dc.creatorLucía Cifuentes, O.
dc.creatorConstanza Ramírez, R.
dc.creatorCamila Seymour, M.
dc.creatorAlfredo Aguila, R.
dc.creatorPilar Ureta, L.
dc.creatorLoreto Moya, C.
dc.identifierRevista Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecologia, Volumen 74, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 366-371
dc.description.abstractBackground: Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is the result of anomalies that prevent the normal development of the fetus, it is present in about the 5% of births. Objectives: To estimate the frequency of FGR in the Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile. To estimate the congenital malformation prevalence rate at birth and compare it among small (SGE), adequate (AGE) and large (LGE) newborns according their gestational age. Methods: All live births and stillbirths included in the ECLAMC (Estudio Colaborativo Latino Americano de Malformaciones Congénitas) registered from January 1997 and December 2008 were considered. Newborns with congenital malformations that modified per se the size of the child, like hydrocephaly anencephaly and hydrops were excluded. Results: 10.1% of newborns were SGE. Among live births 10% were SGE instead of the 33.5% found in stillbirths (p<0.05). Congenital malformation rate at birth was 12.9% in SGE, 8.5% in AGE and 9.3% in LGE newborns (p<0.05). The globa
dc.publisherSociedad Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecologia
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceRevista Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecologia
dc.subjectCongenital malformations
dc.subjectFetal growth restriction
dc.subjectLate fetal mortality
dc.titleFetal growth restriction as risk factor for congenital malformations Trabajos originales Restricción del crecimiento intrauterino como factor de riesgo para malformaciones congénitas
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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