dc.creatorGuerrero, Pablo C.
dc.creatorBustamante Araya, Ramiro
dc.identifierRevista Chilena de Historia Natural, Volumen 82, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 413-424
dc.description.abstractPlant regeneration is strongly determined by light and soil moisture differences between habitats; both variables are modified by large-scale forest fragmentation. Several studies have indicated this alteration as the mechanism involved in tropical forest community change. The effects of fragmentation may be much more severe in Mediterranean and deciduous forests, because plant species in these forests show a stress tolerance tradeoff between shade and drought. Our study was performed in the deciduous fragmented Coastal Maulino Forest: Reserva Nacional Los Queules (RNLQ) and surrounding small fragments. We hypothesised that Aristotelia chilensis (shade intolerant but drought tolerant) should increase its regeneration in small patches as a consequence of the change in habitat suitability (i.e. luminous and drier), while Cryptocarya alba (shade tolerant but drought intolerant) should have less regeneration in small fragments. We also expected that Nothofagus glauca and N. obliqua, which
dc.publisherSociedad de Biologia de Chile
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceRevista Chilena de Historia Natural
dc.subjectEcological restoration
dc.subjectForest fragmentation
dc.subjectSafe sites
dc.subjectSeed germination
dc.subjectSeedling establishment
dc.titleAbiotic alterations caused by forest fragmentation affect tree regeneration: A shade and drought tolerance gradient in the remnants of Coastal Maulino forest
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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