dc.creatorWolff Fernández, Carlos
dc.creatorArmas-Merino, Rodolfo
dc.identifierRevista Medica de Chile, Volumen 136, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 151-156
dc.description.abstractBackground: Hormonal changes, prolonged fasting due to vomiting and some medications used during pregnancy, may cause an acute crisis of porphyria, sometimes unveiling a latent disease. Porphyria may also affect the evolution of pregnancy. Aim: To study the reciprocal influence in the evolution of both pregnancy and porphyria. Material and methods: Retrospective review of medical records of women with porphyria followed by the authors. If additional information was required, an additional visit to the clinic was scheduled. The characteristics of pregnancy, delivery and the newborn were analyzed. Results: Information about 60 pregnancies in 17 women aged 18 to 43 years was gathered. Among women with acute porphyria, one with coproporphyria had four pregnancies, nine with variegate porphyria had a total of 34 pregnancies and two with acute intermittent porphyria had six pregnancies. Five women with porphyria cutanea had a total of 16 pregnancies. Influence of porphyria in pregnancy: Comp
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceRevista Medica de Chile
dc.subjectHyperemesis gravidarum
dc.subjectPorphyrias, hepatic
dc.subjectPregnancy complications
dc.titlePorphyria and pregnancy. Review of 17 women Porfiria y embarazo
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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