dc.creatorRivas, Joaquín
dc.creatorOyarzún, Claudio
dc.creatorRojas, Mariana
dc.identifierInternational Journal of Morphology, Volumen 25, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 417-419
dc.description.abstractThis software "Studying Guide Generator" is a program designed to facilitate the teaching process, and has three sections. In the first it is possible to generate, edit and store questions with histological, anatomical or embryological images, organized according to the subject between the various types of questions, that are: l)Text. 2) Multiple Choice 3) Multiple Choice (with images).4) True or False.5) Association of Ideas. They can be grouped by degree of difficulty. In the second section, or guide editor, a tematic guide can be generated to choose specific questions about the subject to be reinforced. The third section gives to the students sets of specific questions so that they can self-evaluate to perform self-teaching. The student receive this guides and answers the questions. The program check the answers and provide the options of comparing them with the correct answers. The system works without access to the Internet and its platform is Windows 98/XP. To use the question ed
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceInternational Journal of Morphology
dc.subjectMedical education
dc.subjectStore questions
dc.titleThe Studying Guide Generato (SGG). Version 1.5 «An organizer of questions of tests and generator of autoinstructive for students El Gestor de Guías de Estudio (GGE). Versión 1.5 "Un organizador de preguntas para pruebas y generador de autoinstructivos par
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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