dc.creatorVega Vega, Luis Felipe
dc.creatorSmith, Pamela
dc.identifierRevista medica de Chile, Volumen 121, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 1210-1219
dc.description.abstractAn epidemiologic case-control study to ascertain the determinants of low birthweight was carried out in Santiago, Chile, from January to December 1989. The cases were defined as livebirths < 2500 g. The controls were livebirths > or = 2500 g of birthweight. All cases and a random sample (1:1) of controls were selected among 8,254 singleton births occurring at the El Salvador Hospital in the Eastern area of Santiago. These deliveries represented 50% of institutional deliveries in the area. Home deliveries (2%) and private hospital deliveries were not included in the study. Information was obtained from hospital medical records by six trained medical students. Some information could not be obtained from the hospital medical records. Thus the second step in data collection was the tracking of all the selected subjects to their referring neighborhood health centers. For the analysis, the data were divided into 3 case (outcome) categories: 453 subjects were the total case group. From these,
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceRevista medica de Chile
dc.subjectMedicine (all)
dc.titleRisk factors for low birth weight and intrauterine growth retardation in Santiago, Chile Factores de riesgo para bajo peso al nacer y retardo de crecimiento intrauterino en Santiago de Chile.
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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