dc.creatorFritz, Hans
dc.creatorOrtiz, Andrea
dc.creatorVelaga, Sitaram
dc.creatorMorales, Javier
dc.identifierDrug Delivery and Translational Research, Volumen 8, Issue 6, 2018, Pages 1807-1814
dc.description.abstractHigh-energy methods for the manufacturing of nanomedicines are widely used; however, interest in low-energy methods is increasing due to their simplicity, better control over the process, and energy-saving characteristics during upscaling. Here, we developed a novel lipid-core micelle (LCM) as a nanocarrier to encapsulate a poorly water-soluble drug, nifedipine (NFD), by hot-melt emulsification, a low-energy method. LCMs are self-assembling colloidal particles composed of a hydrophobic core and a hydrophilic shell. Hybrid materials, such as Gelucire 44/14, are thus excellent candidates for their preparation. We characterized the obtained nanocarriers for their colloidal properties, drug loading and encapsulation efficiency, liquid state, stability, and drug release. The low-energy method hot-melt emulsification was successfully adapted for the manufacturing of small and narrowly dispersed LCMs. The obtained LCMs had a small average size of ~ 11 nm and a narrow polydispersity index (PDI) of 0.228. These nanocarriers were able to increase the amount of NFD dispersible in water more than 700-fold. Due to their sustained drug release profile and the PEGylation of Gelucire 44/14, these nanocarriers represent an excellent starting point for the development of drug delivery systems designed for long circulation times and passive targeting.
dc.publisherSpringer Verlag
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceDrug Delivery and Translational Research
dc.subjectHot-melt emulsification
dc.subjectLipid-core micelles
dc.subjectLow-energy method
dc.subjectPoorly water soluble drugs
dc.titlePreparation of a novel lipid-core micelle using a low-energy emulsification method
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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