dc.creatorGuixé Leguía, Victoria Cristina
dc.creatorPreller, Ana
dc.creatorKessi, Eduardo
dc.creatorUreta, Tito
dc.identifierArchives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Volumen 348, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 75-81
dc.description.abstractGlycogen synthesis following glucose microinjection in frog oocytes proceeds preferentially by an indirect pathway involving gluconeogenesis from triose compounds. Because of the known regulatory role of fructose-2,6-bisP on glucose utilization in most vertebrate tissues we coinjected [U- 14C]glucose and fructose-2,6-bisP into oocytes and observed a marked inhibition of label incorporation into glycogen, with an I50 value of 2 μM, which is similar to the value measured for the in vitro inhibition of oocyte fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase. Other hexoses-bisP were tested: 2,5- anhydromannitol-1,6-bisP was as effective as inhibitor as fructose-2,6-bisP; glucose-1,6-bisP showed some effect although 50% inhibition was obtained at a concentration 10 times higher than with fructose-2,6-bisP; fructose-1,6-bisP had no effect at all. The inhibition pattern for the in vivo glycogen synthesis by these analogs closely matched the one obtained with partially purified oocyte fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase.
dc.publisherAcademic Press Inc.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceArchives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
dc.subjectFrog oocytes
dc.subjectGlycogen synthesis
dc.titleRegulatory role of fructose-2,6-bisP on glucose metabolism in frog oocytes: In vivo inhibition of glycogen synthesis
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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