dc.creatorNúñez González, Marco
dc.creatorTapia, Victoria
dc.creatorArredondo, Miguel
dc.identifierJournal of Nutrition, Volumen 126, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 2151-2158
dc.description.abstractAlthough the absorption of iron through the intestinal epithelia is inversely related to body iron stores, the mechanisms by which the enterocytes sense body iron stores are unknown. Polarized enterocytes have transferrin receptors in their basolateral surface; hence, we tested the hypothesis that the endocytosis of circulating transferrin may be part of the body's iron sensing mechanism. Particularly, we evaluated the contribution of basolateral transferrin to iron content of intestinal cells, and we investigated what factors modulate this contribution. For this purpose, we used the intestinal cell line Caco-2 grown on porous filters. When the cells were simultaneously offered equimolar amounts of iron, from the apical medium as 55Fe-nitrilotriacetate and from the basolateral medium as 59Fe- transferrin, most of the internalized iron came from the basolateral endocytosis of 59Fe-transferrin. Experiments of transferrin binding and internalization showed that holotransferrin and apotran
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceJournal of Nutrition
dc.subjectCaco-2 cells
dc.subjectiron absorption
dc.subjecttransferrin receptor
dc.titleIntestinal epithelia (Caco-2) cells acquire iron through the basolateral endocytosis of transferrin
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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