dc.creatorEstades Marfán, Cristián
dc.creatorTemple, Stanley A.
dc.identifierEcological Applications, Volumen 9, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 573-585
dc.description.abstractImpacts of habitat fragmentation on forest bird communities have often been studied in landscapes dominated by agriculture. The striking structural differences between forest fragments and the matrix have led most researchers to rely on island biogeographic theory to predict the distribution of bird species in fragmented forests. However, in some cases the vegetation surrounding fragments is not completely unsuitable for forest birds. Thus, a more general framework is needed to understand the effects of habitat fragmentation. The mosaic approach considers fragments as integrated parts of a complex landscape composed of patches of habitat of different qualities. In the coastal area of the Maule region in central Chile the remaining hualo (Nothofagus glauca) forests cover < 10% of the landscape, are severely fragmented, and are imbedded in a matrix of exotic pine plantations. We compared the island and mosaic approaches as explanations for the distribution and abundance of forest birds.
dc.publisherEcological Society of America
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceEcological Applications
dc.subjectBird communities
dc.subjectCavity-nesting birds
dc.subjectHabitat fragmentation
dc.subjectIsland biogeographic model
dc.subjectLandscape matrix
dc.subjectNothofagus glauca
dc.subjectOpen-nesting birds
dc.subjectPine plantations
dc.subjectPinus radiata
dc.titleDeciduous-forest bird communities in a fragmented landscape dominated by exotic pine plantations
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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