dc.creatorRojas, Cecilia V.
dc.creatorNeely, Alan
dc.creatorVelasco-Loyden, Gabriela
dc.creatorPalma, Veronica
dc.creatorKukuljan Padilla, Manuel
dc.identifierAmerican Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, Volumen 276, Issue 1 45-1, 2018,
dc.description.abstractMutations in the human skeletal muscle Na+ channel underlie the autosomal dominant disease hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HPP). Muscle fibers from affected individuals exhibit sustained Na+ currents thought to depolarize the sarcolemma and thus inactivate normal Na+ channels. We expressed human wild-type or M1592V mutant α-subunits with the β- subunit in Xenopus laevis oocytes and recorded Na+ currents using two- electrode and cut-open oocyte voltage-clamp techniques. The most prominent functional difference between M1592V mutant and wild-type channels is a 5- to 10-mV shift in the hyperpolarized direction of the steady-state activation curve. The shift in the activation curve for the mutant results in a larger overlap with the inactivation curve than that observed for wild- type channels. Accordingly, the current through M1592V channels displays a larger noninactivating component than does that through wild-type channels at membrane potentials near -40 mV. The functional properties
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceAmerican Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology
dc.subjectIon channel
dc.subjectNeuromuscular disease
dc.subjectSodium current
dc.subjectXenopus oocytes
dc.titleHyperkalemic periodic paralysis M1592V mutation modifies activation in human skeletal muscle Na+ channel
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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