dc.creatorFernández Antolín, Anna
dc.creatorGuevara Cue, Cristián
dc.creatorDe Lapparent, Matthieu
dc.creatorBierlaire, Michel
dc.identifierJournal of Choice Modelling 20 (2016) 1–15
dc.description.abstractIn this paper we extend the Multiple Indicator Solution (MIS) so that it can also be used to account for endogeneity when there are interactions between observed and unobserved factors in the specification of the utility function. We develop the theoretical derivation and illustrate it with a revealed preference case study of mode choice. Policy indicators such as time elasticity and value of time are discussed. The results are compared with a logit model and with an Integrated Choice and Latent Variable (ICLV) model. Results show that endogeneity is present in the case study and that the proposed variation of the MIS method is practical and able to account for it. Our proposed method can be seen as a starting point for the practical detection and treatment of this type of endogeneity without the drawbacks of multifold integration.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceJournal of Choice Modelling
dc.subjectDiscrete choice models
dc.subjectMode choice
dc.subjectValue of time
dc.subjectMultiple indicator solution
dc.subjectLatent variable
dc.subjectRevealed preference
dc.titleCorrecting for endogeneity due to omitted attitudes: Empirical assessment of a modified MIS method using RP mode choice data
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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