dc.creatorValdovinos, Fernanda S.
dc.creatorBrosi, Berry J.
dc.creatorBriggs, Heather M.
dc.creatorMoisset de Espanes, Pablo
dc.creatorRamos Jiliberto, Rodrigo
dc.creatorMartínez, Neo D.
dc.identifierEcology Letters. Volumen: 19 Número: 10 Páginas: 1277-1286
dc.description.abstractMuch research debates whether properties of ecological networks such as nestedness and connectance stabilise biological communities while ignoring key behavioural aspects of organisms within these networks. Here, we computationally assess how adaptive foraging (AF) behaviour interacts with network architecture to determine the stability of plant-pollinator networks. We find that AF reverses negative effects of nestedness and positive effects of connectance on the stability of the networks by partitioning the niches among species within guilds. This behaviour enables generalist pollinators to preferentially forage on the most specialised of their plant partners which increases the pollination services to specialist plants and cedes the resources of generalist plants to specialist pollinators. We corroborate these behavioural preferences with intensive field observations of bee foraging. Our results show that incorporating key organismal behaviours with well-known biological mechanisms such as consumer-resource interactions into the analysis of ecological networks may greatly improve our understanding of complex ecosystems.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceEcology Letters
dc.subjectpopulation dynamics
dc.subjectmutualistic networks
dc.subjectmechanistic models
dc.subjectconsumer-resource interactions
dc.subjectcommunity stability
dc.subjectAdaptive behaviour
dc.titleNiche partitioning due to adaptive foraging reverses effects of nestedness and connectance on pollination network stability
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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