dc.creatorKöhler, R.
dc.creatorKasper, M.
dc.creatorHerbst, T. M.
dc.creatorRatzka, T.
dc.creatorBertrang, Gesa H.-M.
dc.identifierA&A 587, A35 (2016)
dc.description.abstractAims. We present new astrometric measurements of the components in the T Tauri system and derive new orbits and masses. Methods. T Tauri was observed during the science verification time of the new extreme adaptive optics facility SPHERE at the VLT. We combine the new positions with recalibrated NACO-measurements and data from the literature. Model fits for the orbits of T Tau Sa and Sb around each other and around T Tau N yield orbital elements and individual masses of the stars Sa and Sb. Results. Our new orbit for T Tau Sa/Sb is in good agreement with other recent results, which indicates that enough of the orbit has been observed for a reliable fit. The total mass of T Tau S is 2.65 +/- 0.11 M-circle dot. The mass ratio M-Sb:M-Sa is 0.25 +/- 0.03, which yields individual masses of M-Sa = 2.12 +/- 0.10 M-circle dot and M-Sb = 0.53 +/- 0.06 M-circle dot. If our current knowledge of the orbital motions is used to compute the position of the southern radio source in the T Tauri system, then we find no evidence of the proposed dramatic change in its path.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceAstronomy and Astrophysics
dc.subjectstars: pre-main sequence
dc.subjectstars: individual: T Tauri
dc.subjectstars: fundamental parameters
dc.subjectbinaries: close
dc.subjectcelestial mechanics
dc.titleOrbits in the T Tauri triple system observed with SPHERE
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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